Living Green Designs Green landscape maintenance service is designed for the environmentally conscious home or business who desires an optimal healthy environment in which they live and work. The landscaping techniques that Living Green Designs practices are sustainable, beneficial for the environment, and consequently promote your well being as well. In addition Our SOLAR POWERED electric and battery equipment improves air quality and reduces noise pollution. We use only human, battery, or electrical powered equipment. No noisy gasoline guzzling machines! We believe in making change today with sustainable landscaping and it starts with you. Make the call and join the green revolution to green SOLAR POWERED Landscape Maintenance.
Soil health is one of our top priorities in planting and maintaining health of plants. Conventional methods would use petroleum based fertilizers. Exposure to petroleum fertilizers in the landscape has been linked to cancer in humans. We use all organic soil conditioners and OMRI certified organic fertilizers. Soil conditioning increases soil quality in a number of ways. First, soil conditioning gradually releases nutrients by loosening the soil. This allows roots to spread out broadly, expanding the macro and micro-nutrients available to the plant. In addition bigger, better, stronger roots also prevent soil compaction and erosion. Less erosion results in decreasing run-off and irrigation bills, and less run-off decreases water pollution. Organic fertilizers are longer lasting than traditional petroleum based fertilizers. We opt for a renewable natural product that is not harmful to our health and well-being unlike chemical derived fertilizers. Organic fertilizers also increase site bio-diversity that create a more sustainable landscape. Organic fertilizers are beneficial because they are non-toxic, safe for the environment, biodegradable, increase soil fertility, have long-term sustainable benefits for the soil and environment, and most importantly safe to use around your family!
Another green practice we utilize is composting. Currently, green waste accounts for up to 26 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste annually. At Living Green Designs we either compost or recycle green waste locally.
Solar powered landscaping coupled with our green practices benefits environmental health, plant health and most importantly human health. In addition, conventional landscaping equipment is responsible for 10% of our current pollution. By switching to solar-powered equipment we are cutting down on our carbon foot print while at the same time increasing our own health and that of the environment!